Note: Copyright  of these cards is hold by Elina Hiltunen. Do not copy, share or use these cards in your own work or own consulting. These cards are meant to be used only in training sessions by Elina Hiltunen. .

In the exercises:

  • Use "virtual dice" to randomly select a number for cards
  • Find a card/cards that has the same number
  • Answer the questions
  • Be prepared to tell about your findings

Let's throw a virtual dice...

To select a number, go the virtual dice


min= 1

max = (the maximum number of cards)

then press the generate

EXERCISE 1: Wild cards

    After selecting the wild card, think how this wild card is going to affect to the operational environment or your organization by using a tool Futures Wheel.

  1. What are the consequences of the wild card in general? What are the consequences of the consequences?
  2. How does this wild card affect your organisation?
  3. How can your organisation be better prepared for this kind of wild card?
  4. Do you think that this wild card is possible, and if- how?
  5. Send your answers to email: hanna.chiorazzo@evondos.com . Remember to include the following information in the email: your group members and the wild card name/number. Please, name the email: Wild card exercise.


EXERCISE 2: Scenarios

1. "Throw" a virtual dice (Enter a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 12 ) 

2. Select the scenario card at the bottom of the page with the number you got from the "dice". 

3. Look at the scenario and write down: 

  • What happened that led us to end up in the world of the scenario card in 2030? 
  • What will Finland/EU be like in that scenario in 2030? 
  • What are the challenges and opportunities for your organisation in that scenario? 
  • How should your organisation's strategy change if the world goes in the direction of the scenario card in 2030?
  • What new products and services could you offer your customers in 2030 in that scenario? 

4. Repeat steps 1-3 if you have time.

5. Send your answers to email: hanna.chiorazzo@evondos.com 

Remember to include the following information in the email: your group members and the scenario card number. Please, name the email: Scenario exercise