
In these pages, you can find various future graphics and tools made by Elina Hiltunen for your foresight work.

Basic Concepts of Foresight Work

What are meagtrends, trends, wild cards and weak signals? This futuregraphics explains the terms and gives some examples. Download the pdf here.

Weak signals

You can download the futuregraphics here.

Environmental Scanning Wheel

PESTE on steroids, as one of the twitter friend called this tool. This tool can be used for environmental scanning. You can download a pdf link for the wheel here.

Two step tool for making scenarios

You can download a pdf version of this image here.

Spider web scenario tool

Download the pdf file of the pictures here

Examples of spider web scenarios based on megatrends by Elina Hiltunen

Spider web layout for your own scenario work. Download here the pdf file.

10 megatrends for 2020s

You can download a pdf of this image here.

18 consumer trends

These trends are from Elina Hiltunen's book about future of consumers. Download a pdf of the image here.

Technology trends

These technology trends are based mainly on my and my husband's book: Technolife 2035- How is technology changing our future. You can download the pdf file here.


This robographics in made in co-operation with Finnish Robot, Ai and quantum computer guru Cristina Andersson. You can download the graphics in bigger file here.

Last 50 years

Download the futuregraphics (with liks to sources) here.
